25 Mayıs 2009 Pazartesi

Türk İdare Dergisi






Strateji Geliştirme Başkanı


Cihangir KÖKSAL

Daire Başkanı


Mualla ERKUL

Sorumlu Müdür


Mustafa UYSAL

Teftiş Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı



Hukuk Müşaviri


Birhan USLU

Şube Müdürü


Mustafa AYIK

APK Uzmanı




İçişleri Bakanlığı, Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı’nın, Ekim 2006’da, Libya Caddesi, Becerikli Sokak, Numara 16, 06660 Esat/Ankara adresine taşınması nedeniyle, bu Birim tarafından hazırlanıp basımı gerçekleştirilmekte olan Türk İdare Dergisi’nin bundan böyle yazarları ve okurları arasındaki her türlü haberleşme bu adresten yapılacaktır.

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tid@icisleri.gov.tr - http://www.icisleri.gov.tr/tid
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Doç. Dr. Sait AŞGIN
İçişleri Bakanlığı Stratejik Planı Hazırlık Süreci

Cihangir KÖKSAL
İçişleri Bakanlığı Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı’nın 2008 Yılı Çalışmaları

Mahalli İdarelerde İç Kontrol Sisteminin Kurulması ve İçişleri Bakanlığı Açısından Önemi

Yrd. Doç. Dr Rafet ÇEVİKBAŞ
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Dr. Selim COŞKUN
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4483 Sayılı Kanun’un Uygulamasında “TCK Genel Hükümleri”

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Bağcılar Kaymakamı Veysel Yurdakul’a bir milyon alkış!


Y.Bülent Bakiler

Bağcılar Kaymakamı Veysel Yurdakul’a bir milyon alkış!

Bağcılar, İstanbul’un büyük ilçelerinden biri. Bağcılar’ın büyük yürekli, büyük fikirli, büyük gayretli bir kaymakamı var: Veysel Yurdakul. Bu büyük yürekli kaymakam, yurdumuzun büyük ayıbını, bu büyük ayıbın meydana getirdiği büyük kayıpları, büyük çileleri, büyük çıkmazları...dosdoğru gören ve milletimizi bu büyük ayıptan koparmaya, milletimizi aydınlıklara çıkarmaya çalışan bir gayretli idareci.

Milletimizin çok büyük, çok utandırıcı ayıbı: Okumamaktır. Okumamak, araştırmamak, düşünmemek, bilmemek...en öldürücü kanser hastalığından, daha dehşetli bir felakettir. Bütün konferanslarımda, bıkmadan, usanmadan sorduğum soru şu: Batı neden ileri, biz neden geriyiz? Batı edebiyatı, Batı tekniği, Batı felsefesi...neden bizim edebiyatımızdan, tekniğimizden, felsefemizden daha zengin? Bunun en önemli sebebi, dil ve düşünce noktasında karşımıza çıkıyor. Yani Batı aklını kullandığı için, bizim önümüzde. Biz aklımızı kullanamıyoruz. Batı aklını nasıl kullanıyor? Namık Kemal’in, ilim adamlarının, tabii Kur’an-ı Kerim’in bu soruya verdikleri cevap hep aynı:
“Bir insanın zekâsı bildiği kelime sayısıyla orantılıdır. Yani bir insan ne kadar çok kelime bilirse, aklını da o nisbette iyi kullanır!” Batılı eğitimciler bu hususu çok iyi bildikleri için, 8 yıllık eğitimden geçirdikleri çocukların ders kitaplarını 71.000 kelimelik bir dil zenginliğiyle hazırlıyorlar. Bizde ise bu rakam: 6-7 bin civarındadır ve bizim çocuklarımız da, bu 6-7 bin kelimenin %10’uyla konuşmakta, düşünmekte ve yazmaktadırlar. 

Batıda kitap, bir insanın ihtiyaç listesinin 18. sırasındadır, bizde ise kitap ihtiyaçlarımızın 122. sırasında. Batıda 4 bin 500 kişiye bir kütüphane düşmektedir. Biz de ise 64 bin kişiye bir kütüphane açıktır. Ama kütüphanelerimizde de in-cin top oynamaktadır. Batıda her yıl, bin kişi için 2 bin 500 veya bin kitap basılmaktadır. Bizde ise bin kişiye düşen kitap miktarı sadece 7-8 civarındadır.

Bizim iki sözlüğümüz var:
Birisi Öztürkçe sözlük. İçinde 3.175 kelime bulunuyor. Ötekisi Türkçe sözlük: 116.000 kelimeden ibaret. 

Afrika topluluklarının 8-10.000 kelimeyle konuştuklarını biliyoruz. Bir takım yobazlar da zaten okumayan milletimizi bir de 3.175 kelimeyle okumaya yazmaya zorluyorlar. 

İşte bütün bu kabalıklar, karanlıklar içinde olan çocuklarımızı, Bağcılar Kaymakamı Veysel Yurdakul, aydınlıklara çıkarmaya çalışıyor. Nasıl? 

Önce Bağcılar’daki 150.000 öğrenciye, bir milyon kitap alıp okutmakla, sonra o bir milyon kitabı toplayarak Iğdır’da, Bitlis’de, Batman’da, Mardin’de okuyan öğrencilere ulaştırmak suretiyle. 

Bu faaliyet, Türkiye’nin aya füze göndermesi kadar mukaddes ve mübarek bir faaliyettir. Bağcılar Kaymakamı Sayın Veysel Yurdakul’u bir milyon defa alkışlıyorum. 

Bize böyle kaymakamlar, böyle valiler lazım.

24 Mayıs 2009 Pazar

"Ananızı ağlatmaya geliyorum" dedi, kazandı

"Ananızı ağlatmaya geliyorum" dedi, kazandı

21.05.2009 - 15:58

ZAGREP - Hırvatistan'da bir kentin belediye başkanlığı için yarışan bağımsız aday Josko Risa kampanya süresince "Ananızı ağlatmaya, sizi soymaya geliyorum" sloganları attı. Afişlerde ise "Her şey benim için, siz avucunuzu yalayacaksınız" yazıldı. Önceki gün yapılan seçimlerde, Risa oyların yüzde 28'ini alarak başkan oldu.... Vatan'ın haberine göre Risa seçim kampanyası sırasında yaptığı konuşmalarda "Bu kenti kendi dükkanım olarak görüyorum. Eğer ben bir şeyler kazanmazsam siz de kazanamazsınız. Ama ben götürürsem, siz de götürürsünüz" dedi. Vatandaşlar tarafından büyük ilgiyle karşılanan Risa için bir seçmen şöyle konuştu: "Başa geldiklerinde rüşvet yiyip yolsuzluk yapacaklarını zaten biliyoruz. Herkes yapıyor bunu. Ama Risa hiç değilse bu konuda yalancılık yapmıyor" dedi.

21 Mayıs 2009 Perşembe

Torbay -Torquay

History of Torquay
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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1 Early history
2 Medieval and Renaissance era
3 Napoleonic Wars and early development
4 A nascent holiday resort (1821-1848)
5 Disturbances and continued growth (mid-19th century)
6 Torquay's Golden Age (late 19th century)
7 Early 20th century
8 World War I
8.1 1914
8.2 1915
8.3 1917
8.4 1918
9 Inter War Period
10 World War II
10.1 1939
10.2 1940
10.3 1941
10.4 1942
10.5 1943
10.6 1944
10.7 1945
11 1945 to present day
12 Members of Parliament
13 References

[edit] Early history
The area comprising modern Torquay, has been inhabited since paleolithic times. Hand axes found in Kents Cavern date to 450,000 years ago, and a maxilla fragment known as Kents Cavern 4 may be oldest example of a modern human in Europe.

Roman Emperor Vespasian, active in the region of Torquay from 43 to circa 44AD while in command of the Legio II Augusta.
Little is known of its early history until the arrival of the Roman Empire in Britain during the Claudian Invasion of 43. Roman soldiers are known to have visited Torquay at some point during this period, leaving offerings at a strange rock formation in Kent's Cavern, known as 'The Face'. It's possible these soldiers could have been part of the Legio II Augusta, commanded by the future Emperor Vespasian during the invasion of Britain in 43 considering his extensive actions in the South West, during which according to the Roman historian Suetonius He reduced to subjection two powerful nations, more than twenty towns, and the island of Vectis [1]
No evidence has been found of Roman settlement in the area, however Roman finds have been uncovered in nearby Totnes, Newton Abbot and on Berryhead across the bay in Brixham, a cache of Roman coins was discovered in 1730, including among others, a coin of the Emperor Claudius[2] which would date this find to the same period as Vespasian's activity in the area. These finds, the proximity of the Roman military town of Isca Dumnoniorum, founded by Vespasian himself, and the presence of the Roman road of Ikeneld Street skirting the northerly reaches of modern Torquay after fording the Teign just south of modern day Newton Abbot on the way to Totnes[3], make it possible there may have been some small scale Roman settlement in the area and almost certain that occasional military patrols passed through the region, furthermore the Roman settlement of Statio Teno mentioned in the Ravenna Cosmography (as Statio Deuentiasteno) has also been hypothesised to have existed on the border between Torquay and Newton Abbot[4].
After the departure of the Roman administration from Britain, around 410, a Brythonic kingdom emerged in the West Country based on the old Roman civitas surrounding Exeter. It was called, in Latin, Dumnonia and, in the native Brythonic language, Dyfneint: pronounced ‘Dove-naynt’ and eventually corrupted to Devon, the region in which the modern town of Torquay is situated would have been a part of this Sub-Roman kingdom.
The date that the Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Devon is not uncontroversial. The Brythonic cemetery in Exeter may have been attached to the monastery attended by the young St. Boniface (a native of Crediton) in the late 7th century. However its Abbot had a purely Saxon name, suggesting it was an Anglo-Saxon foundation. Raids from Wessex certainly seem to have started around this time. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle refers to a battle at "Peonnan" in 658. This could just about have been at Pinhoe (north-east of Exeter), although Penselwood (on the Wiltshire-Somerset border) or Penn (near Yeovil) further east are generally favoured because the Chronicle suggests that the British were then pursued to the River Parret (in mid-Somerset). Three years later, however, a battle at "Posentesburg" may have occurred at Posbury, near Crediton.

The Anglo Saxon Chronicle, an early English manuscript that details the power struggles in Devon during this period
By 682, the Anglo-Saxons claimed that the British were driven “as far as the sea” at a location which is not defined. Some believe this to mean across Devon to North Cornwall, but others suppose it to be across Exmoor to the Bristol Channel. The conquest of Devon by Wessex was, however, a gradual process, whose chronology is unclear but which had been completed by the early ninth century. The Kings of Dumnonia appear to have retreated to what became the Kingdom of Cornwall.
By 825, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records the Defnas (men of Devon) as fighting against the Wealas (literally foreigners or strangers) at the Battle of Galford (originally Gafulford). Although Wealas is generally used to describe the native British Celts, it should be noted that the term Defnas is itself also essentially Brythonic, and so these may simply have been Britons under a Saxon commander, fighting the neighbouring Cornish.
The British certainly survived in Devon beyond this date. William of Malmesbury claimed that "the Britons and Saxons inhabited Exeter aequo jure (as equals) in 927. Although King Athelstan expelled the British from the walled City of Exeter at this time, the British remained in the area, and apparently re-entered the City walls later, as an area was known as 'Brittayne' until the 18th Century, the cultural links with the former residents of the area were not to die out either with the Celtic language being reputed to have survived in parts of Devon until the Middle Ages.
Sporadic Viking incursions occurred throughout Devon over the latter Anglo-Saxon era until the Norman Conquest, however there is no evidence of the Vikings having ever visited the region of Torquay or Torbay.
In the early 10th century, King Athelstan had refounded the monastery at Exeter and gave the whole of old Dumnonia to the diocese of Sherborne, Roman Catholicism gradually took over from Celtic Christianity as minster churches were established across the county. Devon was given its own bishopric in 905, initially at Bishop's Tawton, though it quickly moved to Crediton. As part of the general move towards urban cathedrals in the late Saxon period, Bishop Leofric eventually transferred his see to the old abbey at Exeter in 1050.

[edit] Medieval and Renaissance era
Various regions in Torquay are mentioned in the Domesday Book, including Cockington or Cochintone as it is described in the book, which was owned by an Anglo Saxon by the name of Alric in the reign of Edward the Confessor and by a Norman under the name of William de Falesia at the time of the book's creation. Maidencombe was the property of an Elmer during the Anglo-Saxon period before passing to Hamond, under William Chievre following the Norman Conquest and St Marychurch or St. Marie Cherche was owned by the Bishop of Exeter throughout the period.[5]

The Spanish Barn used to hold 397 prisoners of war from the Spanish Armada.
In 1196 Torre Abbey was founded as a Premonstratensian Monastery by William Brewer. The abbey owned much land in the area, and by the Dissolution was the richest monastery of its Order in England[6]. The monastery itself was partly built with quarried stone from nearby Corbyn Head under the permission of the De Cockington family of nearby Cockington manor [7]. It remained that way until February 1539 when it suffered the same fate as all other monasteries, surrendering to the ministers of Henry VIII during the dissolution of the monasteries following his split from Rome. The canons of Torre Abbey founded the nearby town of Newton Abbot in the early thirteenth century as the New Town of the Abbots.
Torquay itself developed around the Saxon hamlet of Torre (from ‘tor’ meaning hill or craggy peak). Water from the River Flete or Fleete (meaning stream) flowed from Barton to the sea and was used to grind corn at Fleet Mill (standing near what is now the main shopping centre at the junction of Union Street and Fleet Walk) until it was demolished in 1835. The monks of Torre Abbey are credited with building the first fishing quay, hence the name Torquay, which evolved through various spellings, including Torrequay and Torkay before settling on the almost modern day version of Tor Quay by 1765.[8]
Torre Abbey was bought by Sir George Cary in 1662 and remained with the family until 1929 when Colonel Lionel Cary died and it was bought by the Torquay Corporation, the Cary family were prominent Torquinians and also owned most of the village of Cockington from as far back as the 14th century which included the modern day areas of Shiphay, Chelston and Livermead within its boundaries, certain evidence traces the family's ancestry to the son of the Roman Emperor Carus, who served as a general in Britannia during his life.[9]
Although the family would go on to lose Cockington after the English Civil War, as Henry Cary sold it to Exeter goldsmith Roger Mallock to cover debts and heavy fines imposed upon the family, incurred when Henry raised an army for Charles I during the war[10], the Carys would play a prominent role in the town's development, retaining their remaining holdings in St Marychuch via another branch of the family until Lionel Cary's death.

Map of Torquay, 1795 based on Donn's one inch to the mile survey of 1795.
The Tormohun region of the town belonged to William de Briwere, or Brewer, during this period. Briwere was a powerful baron in the reigns of Henry II, Richard I, John, and Henry III, until the marriage of his younger daughter and co-heiress brought the ownership of Tormohun to the Mohun family thus forming the basis for its future name of Tor-Mohun. The land was given to Torre Abbey by John de Mohun in the years following the Black Death. In 1540 Tormohun was purchased by John Ridgway, whose grandson, Thomas, was created a baronet in 1612, in 1616 the Lord Ridgway and finally in 1622, Earl of Londonderry, making Tormohun the seat of the Earls of Londonderry[11] until its sale to the Palk family.
In 1521, a William Cary of the Cockington Carys married Mary Boleyn, the sister of Henry VIII's second wife Anne Boleyn and thus became the uncle of the future Queen Elizabeth I when Anne Boleyn gave birth in 1533.[12]
After the failed Spanish Armada of 1588 during the Anglo-Spanish War, a part of Torre Abbey was used to house 397 Spanish prisoners of war, this building has now been named the "Spanish Barn" in recognition of this.
In 1605 a resident of the Cockington area, George Weymouth explored the coastline of Maine and caused a sensation when he returned to Plymouth with a group of Native Americans.[13]
Almost exactly 100 years after the failed armada of the King of Spain, William III landed at Brixham in Torbay on 5 November 1688 before passing through Torquay during his march to London, on his way to gaining control of the country in the 'Glorious Revolution', with Rawlyn Mallock MP of the Cockington Mallocks one of the small band of peers to greet him.[14]
In 1690, following the French Admiral Anne Hilarion de Tourville's victory over an Anglo-Dutch fleet at the Battle of Beachy Head, the French fleet anchored in Torbay and some of the galley fleet travelled the short distance up the coast and attacked Teignmouth, razing the town and taking part in what would become the last invasion of England by a foreign power.
In 1785 the Keyberry Turnpike Trust opened the road from Barton to Newton Bushell (Abbot), increasing contact between the nascent towns and the regional capital of Exeter.[15]

[edit] Napoleonic Wars and early development
An early visitor to Torquay in 1794 is recorded as saying “Instead of the poor uncomfortable village we had expected, how great was our surprise at seeing a pretty range of neat new buildings, fitted up for summer visitors, visitors here can enjoy carriage rides, bathing, retirement and a most romantic situation.” [16] Another early visitor exclaimed "It is not England, but a bit of sunny Italy taken bodily from its rugged coast and placed here amid the green places and the pleasant pastoral lanes of beautiful Devon’."

Torquay, 1811
Torquay owes much to Napoleon Bonaparte, the Napoleonic wars meant that the rich elite could no longer visit continental Europe and looked for local destinations to visit instead. Torbay, the large bay of which Torquay is located on the Northern side of, alongside the other towns of Paignton and Brixham (together founding the Unitary Authority of Torbay), was ideal as a large sheltered anchorage for ships and was frequently used by the Channel Fleet which protected England against invasion by Napoleon and due to this wives and relatives of officers often visited Torquay to be near their loved ones in the fleet. During this period the Royal Navy ship HMS Venerable was wrecked while sheltering in the bay on the 24 November 1804.
Torquay's initial development owes a great deal to the efforts of Sir Laurence Palk, owner of the manor of Tormohun, it was on his initiative that the first real development in the town commenced taking the form of the erection of a new harbour to replace the dilapidated old harbour, for which an act of parliament was required, the work commenced in 1803, completed in 1807[17], and designed by John Rennie who would go on to design London Bridge later in his career[18], proposals were also put forth for the construction of a canal to Newton Abbot at the same time as the harbour development, but nothing came of this[19]. The entire cost of the work was estimated at roughly £27,000, a costly sum in the mid nineteenth century[20].
During this period the first town plans for the area were drawn up for Palk and after a Grand Tour of Europe, Palk brought back from Italy architectural ideas which he incorporated into his villa designs. These designs were brought into fruition by ‘The Maker of Torquay’, William Kitson, who became chairman of the newly formed local authority, acting on behalf of the absentee landlord Palk. As a result of these plans, an exclusive residential area was created in the Warberries and Lincombes which retains its character to the modern day with several of these original properties still standing among the tree-clad hills, notably Hesketh Crescent. Completed in 1848 with its sweeping Regency façade it was described as the ‘finest crescent of houses in the West of England’.[21]
After Napoleon was captured following the Battle of Waterloo he was held on the warship HMS Bellerophon, nicknamed Billy Ruffian in Torbay for two days, upon his first sight of the Bay the former Emperor has been quoted as exclaiming Quel Bon Pays (what a lovely country)[22] and he compared to favourably to Porto Ferrago on Elba[23], he was later taken to Plymouth and then to St. Helena. Napoleon also helped the prosperity of Torquay in another way, local smugglers did very good business 'importing' French brandy during the Napoleonic Wars and since then smuggling of one kind or another has not completely stopped, was during these wars Admiral Nelson visited the town on 18 January 1801, visiting Torre Abbey Mansions and later dining in Cockington.

[edit] A nascent holiday resort (1821-1848)
In 1821 there were still fewer than 2,000 people living in Torquay[24] but it was to experience a massive rate of growth in coming years, in 1822 Torquay's second hotel was opened on the site of the modern day Queen's Hotel, objections were raised by the Vicar of Torre who believe that Two hotels in the town would be detrimental to its moral health.
The atmosphere of these years is well conveyed in Octavian Blewitt's book A Panorama of Torquay, published in 1832. He tells us, among other things, that those who wished to avoid the fatigue of the long coach journey from London, travelled to Portsmouth by coach and there took the Brunswick a steam vessel of considerable power directly to Torquay.[25]
In 1832 Torquay acquired its first bank, The Torbay Bank, run by William Kitson, already a partner in the town's premier solicitors Messrs Abraham and Kitson, founded in 1823 and soon to be land agent of the Palk family.[26] In the very same year, future British Prime Minister William Gladstone was staying in the town, when summoned to fight the election in Newark for the Conservative Party, the journey north to Nottinghamshire took him three days by coach.[27]
Throughout the 1830s and 1840s Kitson would shape the way that Torquay developed to such an extent that he is known to this day as the 'Maker of Torquay', acting in the place of the abseente Palk who had by now fled to Dieppe to avoid debts, Kitson was essentially given free hand to develop Torquay along his own line after being put in charge of the Palk estates in 1833. Alongside his roles as a banker, solicitor and manager of the Palk's affairs, he was elected as commissioner to an early form of local government in 1835, where he introduced many basic amenities to the town such as most of the central road network of the town, a sewer system, a regulated water supply and street lighting[28]
In 1833, Princess Victoria herself visited the town for the first time, with modern day Victoria Parade named in honour of the place where the future queen first stepped ashore.[29] At this time, the mild winter climate and fresh air in Torquay attracted many visitors in ill health who visited the town for its apparent cleansing nature and the town started to develop its character of a health resort for the wealthy rather than its former naval links and it would retain this character for the rest of the century, the town's ever increasing popularity from the early part of the century to the middle of it, caused a population boom with the population rapidly growing from 838 in 1801 to 11,474 in 1851 and by 1850 there were about 2,000 bedrooms in the small hotels of Torquay.
During this period, the town was by and large owned by three families, namely the Mallocks who owned the Cockington region, the Carys who owned Babbacombe, St Marychurch and the old monastery at Torre Abbey and the Palk family which owned central Torquay or Tormohun. Tor Mohun takes its name from the tor or conspicuous hill known as Tor Hill today, and its suffix from the Mohuns who acquired the manor from the Brewers in the 13th century.[30]
The Mallocks, resisted the changes convulsing Torquay for a long time, they did not want a town on their rural property, and they threw away a fortune rather than have it, not until 1865 did one of them consent to grant a building lease, and that only to a family connection.[31]

[edit] Disturbances and continued growth (mid-19th century)
In the 1840s railway mania hit Torquay, it is difficult for us now to imagine how important railways were to the 19th century, perhaps the situation was best described by a noted English historian G.M. Trevelyan who wrote: "The railways were England's gift to the world." In fact, a large proportion of the world's trains still roll along tracks manufactured in the last century with the words 'Made in Birmingham' stamped on them.

Torquay, 1842
The people of Torquay knew that the railways would bring visitors and prosperity and they wanted the railway to come to their town. Finally, on 18 December 1848, the station in Torre (some distance from the sea) was opened and Torquay was connected to the rest of the country for the first time in its history. By 1850 the town was calling itself The Queen of Watering Places and The Montpellier of England.[32]. Between 1841 and 1871, the population of the town rose by over 5,000 in each decade.[33]
On a Saturday morning in 1852 a town meeting decided to continue the railway down to the sea, to the harbour. The people at the meeting imagined Torquay as an industrial town, importing raw materials through the harbour and transporting finished articles inland. This decision caused great controversy, and in the afternoon of the same day another meeting was held cancelling the decision of the morning and deciding to continue the railway to the sea but not to the harbour. As a result Torquay kept its character as a tourist town and became the place it is today, The new railway station was opened on 2 August 1859 with the line to Paignton but remained a distance away from the town center and harbourside, although ideally placed for Torre Abbey Sands.
The railways also had a great effect on the surrounding towns and countryside and as the years passed Torquay grew in importance because of the railway links, with many of the formerly important towns of Devon looking on desperately as the trains passed by them without stopping, taking their former prosperity with them, within decades these towns had died economically and their populations migrated away, many to the growing conurbation of Torquay boosting its population further.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel was an important figure in Torquay's history during this period, he built the nearby Atmospheric railway and the rail links to Torquay, and had begun buying up large areas of the Watcombe district of Torquay where he had planned to retire in his old age, unfortunately the great man died an early death and never reached his retirement.[34]

Kingdom Isambard Brunel, the legendary British industrialist planned to retire to Torquay and bought up large areas of land in the town, now known as Brunel Woods
While the well-to-do and privileged enjoyed life in the Lincombes and Warberries and other desirable locations with pleasing vistas, the labouring classes of Torquay lived below in overcrowded tenements, such as in George Street, Swan Street and Pimlico. These fetid dwellings in alleyways with open sewers were the homes of the unemployed and the domestic servants, labourers, artisans and others who, although made the town tick, were nevertheless condemned to live in conditions where hunger and sanitary problems were a constant threat. In one year 66 lives were lost in six weeks in a cholera epidemic.
It is little wonder that many desperate Devonians tried their luck abroad, with the sailing ship Elizabeth, Isabella and Margaret taking emigrants from Torquay Harbour to America and Canada. Those they left behind faced a bleak future of low pay in insecure employment with few rights.
The basic diet of working class families in those days consisted mainly of bread and whatever else could be had, usually cheese and a few vegetables, so when the staple food supply was scarce or too expensive to buy then just surviving was made even harder.
In 1846 the potato crop failed and there was a bad harvest, resulting in the price of bread going up steeply and causing 'a great distress among the poor', especially in Ireland where famine followed. But while affluent Torquinians collected over £4,000 for the relief of the Irish, many Devonians were less than happy about their own situation and decided to do something about it.
Rumours of disturbances had spread around the town but no heed had been taken, so when at 7.30 p.m. on May 17 a crowd assembled in Lower Union Street the authorities were caught off guard as attacks were made on bakers' shops and women carried off the spoils in their aprons. As night drew on the rioters took advantage of the dark.
Several thousand 'roughs' then swarmed down Fleet Street and attacked other shops, smashing shutters and windows as they went. Then they turned and marched to Torre, at the top of the town, before they were finally challenged by a posse of tradesmen headed by two magistrates. During the ensuring violent confrontation the Riot Act was read and those who had been taken prisoner were locked up in the Town Hall.
The following day a party of 60 navvies who were working on the railway just outside of Torquay marched down to the Town Hall to free their comrades who had been arrested. After a tense standoff their leader, James Hart, was seized and coastguards and 40 members of the 5th Fusiliers, just arrived from Exeter, helped restore order.
A report in the Torquay and Tor Directory on May 21, 1847 accepted that 'the high price of provisions' had provoked the disturbances, but displayed little magnanimity in claiming that 'steps had been taken for relieving the sufferings of the poor and it will be far more grateful to the right-minded poor to know that the relief which we trust will shortly be afforded to them was not exacted by intimidation, but voluntarily determined upon before'.
A handbill circulated at the same time, headed 'To The Poor of Tor and Torquay', informed them that the crop failures were down to His hand, and that they should put their faith in 'God's Providence'.
In January 1854, further rioting occurred at Barnstaple, Tiverton and Exeter, when the military was called out again. Trouble had been anticipated in Torquay but this time the magistrates took the precautions to nip it in the bud, though five years later an attempt was made to burn down the Town Hall.
There was a gruesome footnote to the 1847 riot when, in 1863, a shallow grave was found in the Torre area containing the remains of a young man who was said to have been killed on that fateful night 16 years earlier and in the following year two more skeletons were unearthed in the town.[35]

[edit] Torquay's Golden Age (late 19th century)
With the town becoming increasingly popular amongst the rich and privileged of Europe it started attracting more prestigious visitors, the Russian Romanoff noble family built themselves a private holiday home in the town called the Villa Syracusa (now the Overmead Hotel) at which they would often entertain. While the Romanoff family was in residence, they entertained the Russian Royal Family at the Villa. During their absences, the villa was often let privately. In August 1864 the Prince of Wales visited the Grand Duchess Maria of Russia while she was staying at the Villa Syracusa, amongst her party staying at the villa was the Count Gregoire Stroganoff and Countess Alexandra Tolstoy, the wife of noted novelist Leo Tolstoy.
The Imperial Hotel also welcomed many famous guests during this period of the town's history such as Emperor Napoleon III of France, the Queen of the Netherlands and King Edward VII, Benjamin Disraeli was also a prominent visitor to the resort through his political career.
Growth slowed up in the 1870s and 1880s, mainly because the upper classes, for whom Torquay catered to the exclusion of all others, now began to take their summer and winter holidays abroad. Meanwhile, the adjacent parish of St. Marychurch, had taken the overflow of Torquay, and had grown from 800 people at the beginning of the century to nearly 7,000 at the end. In the same period, Cockington had been transformed, in a milder degree, from a deep country parish to a villa-strewn suburb, though the old village remained untouched. [36] In 1870, Sir Lawrence Palk commissioned the building of a new harbour in Torquay, which made the town popular amongst yacht sailers.[37] Whilst not as commercial as nearby Brixham, the harbour at Torquay was heavily involved in importing coal and wool from Australia, which was then sent to the mills in the North of England.[38] The upper class nature of the resort and the huge wealth of its residents during this period was further established when Worth's Tourist Guide To Devonshire (1886) declared of Torquay 'in proportion to its population [it is] the wealthiest town in England'[39]
Edward Cardwell, 1st Viscount Cardwell, the MP who reformed the British military after the debacle of the Crimean War, was a prominent resident of Torquay during his latter years and died in the town on February 15, 1886. In later years Queen Victoria reviewed the entire Royal Navy in the waters of Torbay.

Rudyard Kipling, the famous novelist was a resident of Torquay for a brief period in 1896.
During this period, Torquay attracted a number of literary talents whose works reflected their stay in the town, Charles Kingsley, author of The Water Babies and Westward Ho! (novel) lived in the Livermead region of the town, Elizabeth Barrett Browning settled in Torquay in 1838 for health reasons, during her time in the bay she wrote literary work such as De Profundis and The Cry of the Children. Rudyard Kipling lived at Rock House, Maidencombe, in 1896 following a stressful period in his life, the building is thought to have been his inspiration for his story The House Surgeon in 1909.[40] Furthermore two classic pieces of English literature Oscar Wilde's A Woman of No Importance and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles are reported to have been created while staying in Torquay, finally Charles Darwin completed the last sections of The Origin of Species while staying at Hesketh Crescent in the Ilsham area of Torquay.[41]
The next few years would see development in the recreational landscape of Torquay, with the town's first sporting arena, the Recreation Ground being opened in 1888 with a rugby match between Torquay Athletic and local rivals Newton Abbot.[42] Then in 1889 the Winter Gardens were built to provide entertainment for winter holidaymakers,the cast-iron and glass structure could seat up to 1,000 people for the concerts held by an Italian band, and also featured three tennis courts and a bowling alley. However, the Winter Gardens were not very successful and in 1903 the building was sold to Great Yarmouth. The structure was shipped by barge from Torquay without the loss of a single pane of glass and is still in use today (including a brief period during the 1990s as a nightclub, under the management of Jim Davidson). The Victorian walls of the base are still in their original position in Torquay, and are now the walls of the bar, under the Yardley Manor Hotel on Museum Road.
Agatha Christie was born in the town on September 15, 1890, and was christened at All Saints Church, Bamfylde Rd, Torre on October 20, 1890, she would go on to be one of the world's best selling and most famous novelists and based many of her novels in a thinly veiled version of Torquay.
In 1892 two events took place which were to radically change both the appearance and outlook of Torquay, through trains were introduced and Torquay was granted Borough status by a Royal Charter, adopting the motto Salus et Felicitas (Health and Happiness). The town was now ready for expansion and to start building a new image, the healthy were encouraged to come as well as the ailing and the Victorian watering place soon transformed into a holiday resort.
In 1899 with the turn of the century approaching the town acquired its first professional sports team with the founding of Torquay United by a group of school leavers under the guidance of Sergeant-Major Edward Tomney. After a season of friendlies the club joined the East Devon League and moved into the Recreation Ground, their home for the next four years. They would go on to join the Football League in 1927.

[edit] Early 20th century

The Strand, 1900
The early part of the new century saw a change in the character of the town, in 1902 the first advertising campaign to bring healthy visitors to Torquay, rather than people recovering from illnesses was launched and Torquay changed in character from being a winter holiday resort to being a summer holiday resort aimed at families from the industrial midlands and north of England, this led to a steady increase in rail traffic until the advent of World War I.
Torquay had been steadily increasing in size over this period and in 1900 the regions of Chelston and Livermead, previously part of the Cockington estate owned by the Mallocks had been annexed by the town and 1903 saw further expansion of Torquay's political size and power, as the former borough of St Marychurch was amalgamated into the towns borders, having long since been residentially and commercially intermingled with the town due to its rapid expansion in the latter half of the past century. Rumour has it the catalyst for the merger was that Torquay wanted a steamroller and could not afford its own, unlike its smaller neighbour, however this has never been verified.
Finally in 1928 Cockington itself was integrated within the town borders, with this expansion the political entity of Torquay now covered more than twice the size as previously, incorporating the modern day regions of Livermead, Cockington, Chelston St Marychurch, Plainmoor, Babbacombe, Watcombe and Maidencombe as well as the historical core of the town and has largely maintained this outline to the modern day, aside from the post World War II developments of Hele Village and Shiphay and the development of the industrial and residential estate of The Willows on the outskirts of the town throughout the 1990s and early 21st century.
World renowned electrical engineer, mathematician, and physicist Oliver Heaviside lived in the town from 1909 until his death in 1924, after moving from nearby Newton Abbot due to failing health.
In 1905 over 113 warships of the Royal Navy anchored in the bay in an awe inspiring sight [43] and the Royal Family and the Royal Navy once again descended on the town, as King George V reviewed the Home Fleet in the waters of the bay, before war broke out with Germany and Austria-Hungary in mid 1914.

[edit] World War I

[edit] 1914
In the early days of the war while patriotism was still high and many believed it would be over by Christmas, many volunteers signed on for military service and columns of young men were seen marching through the town following recruiting campaigns on their way to the nightmares of Northern France and Belgium
As the war progressed Torquay began to see the effects of it, and in August 1914, the Red Cross Hospital opened in the Town Hall with 50 beds and the first convoy of wounded arrived on 21 October 'when a hospital-train arrived at Torre Station with eight British officers and 40 wounded men from France'.

Dreadnoughts In The Bay
The officers went to Stoodley Knowle, owned by Torquay's MP Colonel Burn, but they were greeted by the Hon. Mrs Burn and Miss Burn "who were attired as Red Cross nurses". In addition to Stoodley Knowle, other war hospitals were set up at the Mount (but later moved to Rockwood); the Manor House (Lady Layland Barratt); Lyncourt (Hon. Helen Cubitt) and the "Western Hospital for Consumptives". There was also a home at Royden, described as a "Convalescent Home for Blinded Soldiers and Sailors". In the latter part of the year during November, Queen Mary visited the Town Hall and Oldway Mansions while visiting injured servicemen.
One of the units which was later to be involved in the ill fated attack on Gallipoli arrived in the town in December, the 1,100 men of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers had been relocated from the naval port of Plymouth and before they left the town for the frontlines, their commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Rooth, handed over the regimental colours to the town Mayor for safe-keeping.
They did not go to France as was expected but were reassigned to be part of the ill-fated attack against the Ottoman Empire and many would never return to reclaim the regimental colours, during this period recruits for Lord Kitchener's New Army (Men of the Royal Army Medical Corps) had been flooding into the town and were a large presence during the Christmas of 1914.

[edit] 1915
In September King George V and Queen Mary visited the Town Hall and Stoodley Knowle hospitals where they saw wounded soldiers from the campaigns in France, Flanders and Gallipoli. There were then five hospitals, two of which "flew the Red Cross Flag" (the Town Hall and Rockwood). By this time the Western Hospital had become the "Auxiliary Military Hospital" (with an annex at Underwood).
There were so many casualties that the Torbay Hospital had allocated more than 50 beds for war wounded. The civilian population was also caught up in the struggle for men to serve in France after those, and other, battles. The Torquay Local Tribunal was set up under an ex-Service (or other) chairman to hear cases of local men seeking deferment. The grounds had to be good ones and, in the case of those seeking it for health reasons, supported by two doctors. One case before Mr F. J. Crocker in June 1916 warranted the granting of 'conditional exemption only'. It concerned a William Rowe of Ilsham Manor Farm, who sought to delay his registration because he and his two sons 'had to deal with 46 cows. The farm had 340 acres (1.4 km2) of which 200 were arable; 70 were tilled with corn, 25 with roots and five with potatoes, which were of importance' this was just one of many cases heard from those wishing to avoid the war.

[edit] 1917
From May onwards wounded soldiers from the New Zealand Expeditionary Force began to arrive and entered a permanent convalescent camp at St Marychurch, a "Special YMCA" being opened for their use.

[edit] 1918
The continuing presence of the New Zealanders resulted in the opening of a YMCA in Torquay at Maycliff in St. Luke's Road in April and, a month later, the Kia Toa Club (now the Victorian Arcade) for those awaiting repatriation. The Council gave each serviceman "suitably inscribed views of Torquay"; in all, 22,000 were distributed.

New Zealand Troops In Torquay, 1918
Many of the New Zealanders would sail home in RMS Ruihine which was anchored well out in the Bay.
September 1918 saw a serious outbreak of the Spanish Flu which was ravaging the world at the time, over 100 American servicemen died at the Oldway Hospital in a fortnight from the disease, they were buried in Paignton cemetery but were exhumed later and taken back to the United States.
Armistice was declared on November 11 and some weeks later there was excitement at the harbour when the German submarine U-161 arrived while British 'water-planes flew in the air [and] descended on to the water' (possibly an early example of the 'victory roll'). These were seaplanes from the base on Beacon Quay which had been there throughout the War, the Coastlines shed being altered for use as a hangar. It was operated by the RNAS with Short 184 seaplanes but became "239 Squadron RAF" after the amalgamation of the RFC and RNAS.
There was a sad final act to Torquay's war experience, when on Boxing Day 1918 the town mayor handed back the regimental colours of the Dubliners to a Guard from the 1st Dublin Fusiliers, the colours having hung in the Council Chamber for four years now, and out of a battalion 1,100 strong that had arrived in Torquay those few years ago, only 40 were now left, the regiment having been decimated at the landing at Suvla Bay during the Gallilopi campaign.

[edit] Inter War Period
After the Great War an effective advertising campaign by the Great Western Railway Company was responsible for making Torquay a major resort, the interest in Torquay culminated on August Bank Holiday in 1938, just before the outbreak of World War II, when 20,000 passengers arrived in Torquay station, followed by 50 trains the next day.
During this period Torquay also encountered political developments, with Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists attempting to move into the region following great success in the city of Plymouth where the Union had upwards of 1,500 members in 1933 and Mosley spoke to packed meetings in Plymouth's Guildhall and the Drill Hall in Millbay to great acclaim.
The Torquay branch of the Fascists never took off to quite the extent the Plymouth branch did and at its peak in 1933 only had 34 members, and by 1935 had been absorbed back into the folds of the Plymothian branch.
An odd coincidence with the growth of the fascist party in Torquay, was the presence of A.K. Chesterton, as editor of the Torquay Times, Chesterton was to play a prominent role in far right wing British politics over the next three decades, founding the League of Empire Loyalists and co-founding the National Front which is still active in modern times and he was a prominent figure in the Union before a schism with Mosley and his departure in 1938. However during the period of Fascist activity in the resort Chesterton had already departed for London and appears to have played little part in the fascist attempt to cultivate a support in the town.[44].

[edit] World War II

[edit] 1939
Although training in 'air-raid precautions' started as early as 1935, recruiting only began in earnest in January 1939. Wardens were recruited and every house in the town was visited with between 20,000 and 30,000 civilian gas respirators fitted. In March the Torbay ARP Committee decided to purchase Upton Primary School as headquarters for the Torbay Area at a cost of £3,350, trained volunteers totalled 2,033 and there were then on order 2,200 sandbags, 200 suits of clothing, 69,000 respirators and 140 steel helmets with 'the Home Office was waiting for an address to sent them to'.
On 1 September, two days before War was declared, permanent 'Wardens' Posts' were established and sand-bagged throughout the town, just eight days later, the first air-raid exercise took place simulating a German attack in which a mustard gas bomb was dropped in St. Marks Road.
Within days of the declaration, plans were announced for rationing meat and petrol throughout the country, the books issued for the latter covered two months but did not say how much each coupon would be worth. Coal and coke rationing was added to the list before the end of the month.
The possibility the enemy might use gas was a real one and the town's Wardens went from house-to-house preparing residents for wearing their respirators, residents of the town also had to deal with two other war time measures before the end of the year; in late September the 'Food Control Office' opened in the Electric Hall (Present Day AMF Bowling) and 'Registration Day' was on the 29th, every inhabitant received a Registration Card with his/her own unique number despite the curtailing of personal freedoms represented by this measure, there was little or no adverse comment.
Not long after this, in October, the Palace Hotel was requisitioned by the government and opened as a convalescent hospital and training facility for RAF officers, originally with 48 beds but soon expanded to nearly 250. It was later renamed RAF Hospital, Torquay, until it was bombed in October 1942, many aircrew recovered and trained there, including James Nicholson, the only RAF VC.

[edit] 1940
In 1940 Wrighton of Walthamstow took over Sansom's garage opposite the Chilcote Memorial and up to 300 people worked there manufacturing parts of aircraft (including the Short Sunderland flying-boat) for the war effort. After the Fall of France the invasion of Britain became a real possibility and machine-gun posts and pill-boxes were built across the coastline of Torquay and the Bay (in Torquay the work was done by the Royal East Kent Regiment nicknamed 'The Buffs')and naval guns were also placed on Corbyn Head, in a repeat of its fortification against the troops of Napoleon over a century past.
In May, then Secretary of State for War Anthony Eden made his historic broadcast appeal asking those men between the ages of 17 and 65 who were not already on War Service to join the Local Defence Volunteers, they would be unpaid but would wear uniforms and be armed. In two days 400 men had joined and by Monday the 20th the register had closed with 600 on the books. In July the name was changed to the Home Guard.
Torquay's major contribution to the war effort was by providing hotels for the RAF in which to train aircrew. In addition to the previously mentioned RAF Hospital at the Palace Hotel, No 1 ITW (Initial Training Wing) was formed at Babbacombe in June 1940. Headquarters were at the Norcliffe Hotel, the Sefton, Oswalds, Trecarn, Foxlands and Palermo Hotels being used for sleeping, etc. Postings were made from Babbacombe to Elementary Flying Training Schools (including overseas in Canada and Southern Rhodesia) where they became pilots, observers, W/T operators and wireless operators/air gunners.
From the first intake of 579 recruits in July 1940, almost a further 27,000 airmen were to trained there before the Wing left Babbacombe. No 3 ITW also came to Torquay in June. Its headquarters were at St. James' Hotel (now Harbour Point). Hotels in Beacon Terrace were requisitioned, together with Park Hall Hotel and the Regina Hotel (which was slightly damaged during a "tip and run raid" in June 1942); the Dorchester and Devonshire Hotels were requisitioned later, from February 1943. St. Vincents' Hotel (now flats) was taken over for use by the WAAF. Some 8,000 trainees passed through before it was disbanded in February 1944.
A third ITW was No 5. which also moved to Torquay in June 1940. Headquarters were in Castle Chambers, later moving to Hotel Metropole (now the Cavendish). A full list of hotels used is not known but they included the Majestic and Stanbury Hotels which were damaged on 30 May 1943 and had to be evacuated. Some 10,000 men completed their training at No 3 ITW.

[edit] 1941
During the early part of 1941, he first "War Weapons Week" was held and on the first day raised £150,007 towards the £500,000 it was eventually hoped for, also during this period evacuees began to flood into to Torquay from Bristol and Plymouth (during the Blitz of both cities). The deteriorating war situation resulted in a survey of railings "available for munitions" (i.e. melting down), their removal started later early the next year.

Torquay Town Hall During World War Two
On 22 April 1941 Torquay had its first serious raid (at the time of the Plymouth Blitz) when the house of the chief warden in the Warberries was destroyed and two of his children killed. On 4 May there was another when 31 HE (High Explosive) bombs were dropped in Forest Road, the Daison and at Maidencombe. Most of these early attacks were from Luftwaffe pilots jettisoning spare bombs left over from the raids on Plymouth, while returning to their bases in France and the Low Countries.
No 13 ITW was formed in Torquay in June 1941 and trained pilots, observers and navigators principally from the Commonwealth and Allied Air Forces, the intakes were smaller and the courses longer, so only about 3,000 passed through the Wing. The Headquarters were in the Belgrave Hotel at first and later at Torre Abbey, the logbook of this Wing also records the first arrival of American troops in Torbay where they would remain until 1944 and the D-Day landings.

[edit] 1942
In March 1942 a small vessel, intended as a "block-ship" across Torquay Harbour, was sunk in an air-raid and in May a British Typhoon aircraft crashed-landed on Meadfoot Beach, the pilot being uninjured. However, when a German fighter was shot down on to Tor Abbey Sands and caught fire, its pilot perished because the barbed-wire and other defences on the promenade prevented any rescue attempt being made.
No 39 Air-Sea Rescue unit was based in Torquay Harbour (which is possibly why a blockship was kept ready). Later, in 1944, HSL No 2511 was on station at Torquay; it was a 67 ft (20 m) Thornycroft vessel,similar to the famous Whaleback designed by Hubert Scott-Payne. There was also thought to have been a Sunderland flying-boat based in the Harbour for a short time, a landing platform being moored near Haldon Pier for use by the crew.
On the 7th June, Torquay was again attacked, the beaches and sea front were crowded when four raiders flew in low over the sea and dropped four bombs and were gone nine minutes before the siren sounded. One exploded behind the amusement arcades near the Torbay Hotel, no one was injured here but there were casualties elsewhere.
A further air-raid on August Bank Holiday caused considerable damage and casualties, so too did the early evening raid on 4 September when properties were destroyed in Tor Hill Road and Rosery Road and the main gasholder at Hollacombe was set on fire, later Mr Denton and Sgt. Richardson (of the Home Guard) were each to receive the George Medal for gallantry in fighting the fires that raged as a result of this attack.
Yet another major raid on Torquay took place on 25 October, during this raid RAF Hospital, Torquay based at the Palace Hotel was severely damaged during a bombing run, when 19 people lost their lives and a total of 43 casualties were sustained. The East Wing of the hotel was severely damaged and the building was put out of action for the rest of the war. The empty hotel was damaged again in a second raid just months later which confirmed the abandonment of the facility. This event was recently commemorated with a memorial service at the Palace Hotel on the 25th October to mark 65 years since the tragedy[45].

[edit] 1943
One of the worst tragedies to hit the local population during the year of 1943 was the "Rogation Sunday" attack which destroyed the Parish Church at St. Marychurch and resulted in the deaths of 21 children, one of the German aircraft involved in the bombing raid accidentally touched the spire of the Catholic Church nearby and crashed into houses in Teignmouth Road causing the large death toll.
Morrison and Anderson shelters were delivered in all the Torbay towns later in the year as a result of the increase in bombing raids targeting the town. Morrison indoor shelters 'would be issued free to those employed in an occupation compulsorily insured under the NHI Acts and whose earnings did not exceed £350 per annum, Others could purchase them for £7' (a year later, with D-Day over, the various Councils collected them for use in London which was suffering attacks by 'V' weapons). At the end of 1943 those evacuated from the South Hams Battle Area began arriving in the Torbay towns.

[edit] 1944
Early the in year of 1944, The first of thousands of US Army personnel arrived in Torquay preparing for the build up of forces in Southern England that would ultimately result in the launch of Operation Overlord. Men of the 3204th Quartermaster Service Company were billeted mainly in Chelston and Cockington. Seven GIs were in "Cypress Heights" with Mr DeSuanne; others were at "Greenhaven" and "Combe Martin" with Mr Meadow in Vicarage Road and at small homes in Sherwell Lane, Rathmore Road, Avenue Road, Old Mill Road and Tor Park Road. Another unit was the 618th Ordnance Ammunition Company, 6th Amphibious Engineers, the men being billeted in private homes in St. Marychurch and Upton.
The 257th Ordnance MM Company, attached to the 6th Engineer Special Brigade, arrived in Torquay on 3 February 1944 "on a very warm winter day". They too went into private homes in St. Marychurch. Little is known about the 31st Chemical Corps, also billeted in Upton and which served in Normandy as part of the 6th Engineer Special Brigade.
In February 1944 the No 13 ITW Wing moved to Bridgnorth, and first the Rosetor (now the Riviera Centre), followed by the Belgrave shortly after were handed over to the US Army. Another ITW, No 21, was also hosted in the town for a brief spell during the spring and summer of 1944, numbers trained were small, only about 1,000 but it helped to raise the total number of airmen trained in Torquay to some 49,000 throughout the war.
In the build-up to D-day, German raids on coastal areas were expected and Torquay's took place on 29 May when some 20 planes are believed to have been in Torbay laying mines, some carried bombs and these were dropped around the Harbour, in Chelston and elsewhere. Nos 4 and 5 Park Crescent were destroyed but the worst affected property was "Bay Court Hotel" where rescuers dug for days for survivors. This was fortunately to be the last recorded raid during the war in Torquay but throughout the past four years the air attacks had resulted in well over 700 'air raid alerts' being sounded in the Bay.
Early in 1944 a coast ban, from The Wash to Cornwall, had come into force and visitors were only allowed in if possessing appropriate permits, this was to ensure absolutely security surrounded the preparation of Operation Overlord and the D-Day landings. Torquay played a vital role in the landings, more than 23,000 men of the American 4th Infantry Division would depart from Torquay for Utah Beach during Overlord.
The visiting restrictions was lifted in early July soon after the beach-head in Normandy had been established following the D-Day landings, and the American and Commonwealth troops billeted in the town had departed for Northern France and Nazi occupied Europe.
Soon after the lifting of restrictions, Great Western Railways announced We expect a big rush of holidaymakers to the South West but unfortunately here are no arrangements for running extra trains. It opened the floodgates, a fortnight later a display board outside Paddington Station reported 'Paddington overcrowded. Please use alternative routes'.

[edit] 1945
Although there were still signs of war damage to be repaired throughout the town, Torquay was declared 'open to visitors' when peace was declared in May having made a massive contribution to the war effort through its training of RAF personnel and its role in the preparations and ultimate success of Operation Overlord.

[edit] 1945 to present day
Since the war tourist patterns have changed considerably. Many more people have the money to travel abroad for their holidays and nearly everyone has a car. This means that fewer visit British holiday resorts but when they do they do usually travel by car. The British holiday has become a touring holiday with visitors staying only one or two days in each place. The visitor does not bother to book a hotel, but prefers to stay at one of the numerous cheap bed & breakfast establishments instead (b&b's).

Part of the Torquay seafront at high tide
With its unrivalled Bay, the English Riviera has been famed for its watersports for many a year and in 1948 the watersports events of the 1948 Summer Olympic Games were held here. The Olympic flame was brought from London and burned for the duration at Torre Abbey Gardens.
Torquay was also hoping to be a part of the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games by being the official warm up venue for the sailing events. The actual events during the Olympics will be held in Weymouth unlike in 1948. However they also missed out on this opportunity and it seems the town will play little part in the Olympics.
In 1950 the EBU, a coalition of 23 broadcasting organisations from Europe and the Mediterranean was formed in Torquay following a conference held by the BBC at the Imperial Hotel on the seafront, the EBU's most well-known production in the modern age is probably the Eurovision Song Contest organised by its Eurovision Network.
In recent years Torquay has become better known abroad and has received more foreign tourists who usually tour in cars like the British holidaymakers. It is also a major destination for foreign language students, who visit the town for the summer to learn English and see the sights of England.
In October 2005, Torquay as part of Torbay chose its first ever directly elected mayor, Nicholas Bye, under an electoral system which was later described as "a total failure", Bye receiving votes from fewer than 7% of the electorate.[46]. He beat Liberal Democrat Nicholas Pannell in the second round of counting with a total of 7,096 votes to Pannell's 5,197. After the election, Bye noted that "it is quite clear from canvassing that a lot of people did not want an elected mayor."
Since the expansion of the EU in 2004, Torquay has undergone a dramatic demographic shift with large numbers of Eastern European migrant workers settling in the region, prominent amongst this wave of newcomers are workers from Poland and the Czech Republic, with recent estimates suggesting as many as 5,000 Poles in the region as of late December 2005[47] with that number expected to have increased since then. The nature of this demographic tends to be transient with most returning to their native country after a set period of work, however increasing numbers are opting to remain in the country and settle down, reflecting this shift in the population the local newspaper The Herald Express now publishes a weekly Polish column (Polak dla Polakow) and a Polish shop (Polski Sklep) has opened on Lucius Street to cater for the migrants needs.

[edit] Members of Parliament
Members for South Devon
Lord John Russell (Whig) 1832-1835
John Crocker Bulteel (Whig) 1832-1835
Sir John Yarde Buller (Conservative) 1835-1858
Montagu Edmund Parker (Conservative) 1835-1849
Sir Ralph Lopes (Conservative) 1849-1854
Sir Lawrence Palk (Conservative) 1854-1868
Samuel Trehawke Kekewich (Conservative) 1858-1868
Members for East Devon
Sir Edward Courtenay (Conservative) 1868-1870
Sir Lawrence Palk (Conservative) 1854-1880
Sir John Henry Kennaway (Conservative) 1870-1885
Lt. Col William Hood Walrond (Conservative) 1880-1885
Members for Torquay
Lewis McIver (Liberal) 1885-1886
Richard Mallock (Conservative) 1886-1895
Commander Arthur Phillpotts (Conservative) 1885-1900
Francis Layland Barratt (Liberal) 1900-1910
Colonel Charles Rosdew Burn (Unionist) 1910-1923
Captain Piers Gilchrist Thompson (Liberal) 1923-1924
Charles Williams (Conservative) 1924-1955
Frederic Bennett (Conservative) 1955-1974
Members for Torbay
Sir Frederic Bennett (Conservative) 1974-1987
Rupert Allason (Conservative) 1987-1997
Adrian Sanders (Liberal Democrats) 1997-

[edit] References
^ Suetonius, De Vita Caesarum (The Lives of the Twelve Caesars)
^ Magna Britannia: volume 6: Devonshire (1822), pgs CCCVI-CCCXXIII
^ Magna Britannia: volume 6: Devonshire (1822), pgs CCCVI-CCCXXIII
^ http://www.romanmap.com/htm/nomina/Stadio%20Deuentia%20steno.htm
^ Magna Britannia: volume 6: Devonshire (1822), pgs XLIX-LXXXI
^ English Riviera Website(http://www.englishriviera.co.uk/site/about-the-area/torquay/history)
^ Cockington, The Prettiest Village in England, Pg 2(http://www.torbay.gov.uk/libcockington.pdf)
^ Torbay Council Website (http://www.torbay.gov.uk/index/leisure/heritage.htm)
^ Herald Express (Herald Express, 13/3/2008)
^ Cockington, The Prettiest Village in England, Pg 2(http://www.torbay.gov.uk/libcockington.pdf)
^ Magna Britannia: volume 6: Devonshire (1822), pgs 520-538
^ Cockington, The Prettiest Village in England, Pg 3(http://www.torbay.gov.uk/libcockington.pdf)
^ Cockington, The Prettiest Village in England, Pg 4(http://www.torbay.gov.uk/libcockington.pdf)
^ Cockington, The Prettiest Village in England, Pg 2(http://www.torbay.gov.uk/libcockington.pdf)
^ Torbay Methodists Website(http://www.torbay-methodists.org.uk/torquay/blueplaque/index.htm)
^ English Riviera Website(http://www.englishriviera.co.uk/site/about-the-area/torquay/history)
^ A Topographical Dictionary of England (1848), Samuel Lewis, pgs 377-380.
^ Torquay And Paignton: The Makings Of A Modern Resort, Henry James Lethbridge, Pg 34
^ Torquay And Paignton: The Makings Of A Modern Resort, Henry James Lethbridge, Pg 34
^ Torquay And Paignton: The Makings Of A Modern Resort, Henry James Lethbridge, Pg 34
^ Torbay Council Website (http://www.torbay.gov.uk/index/leisure/heritage/torquay-history.htm)
^ Torquay, Queen of the Watering Places, Pg 2 (http://www.torbay.gov.uk/libtorquay.pdf)
^ Torquay And Paignton: The Makings Of A Modern Resort, Henry James Lethbridge, Pg 34
^ Devon, W.G.Hoskins, 1954
^ Devon, W.G.Hoskins, 1954
^ Torquay And Paignton: The Makings Of A Modern Resort, Henry James Lethbridge, Pgs 47, 48
^ Years of Expansion, British History 1815-1914, Michael Scott-Baumann, Pg 180
^ Torquay, Queen of the Watering Places, Pg 3 (http://www.torbay.gov.uk/libtorquay.pdf)
^ Torquay, Queen of the Watering Places, Pg 4 (http://www.torbay.gov.uk/libtorquay.pdf)
^ Devon, W.G.Hoskins, 1954
^ Devon, W.G.Hoskins, 1954
^ Devon, W.G.Hoskins, 1954
^ Devon, W.G.Hoskins, 1954
^ Torbytes Website (http://www.torbytes.co.uk/op/tm2/lv2/item963.htm)
^ Herald Express Bygones (Jack Critchlow, Herald Express Bygones Articles, 22/5/2007)
^ Devon, W.G.Hoskins, 1954
^ Torquay, Queen of the Watering Places, Pg 4 (http://www.torbay.gov.uk/libtorquay.pdf)
^ English Riviera Website(http://www.englishriviera.co.uk/site/about-the-area/torquay/history)
^ Torquay And Paignton: The Makings Of A Modern Resort, Henry James Lethbridge, Pg 63
^ Torbay Council Website(http://www.torbay.gov.uk/index/leisure/heritage/famouspeople.htm)
^ BBC Devon (http://www.bbc.co.uk/devon/outdoors/walks/walk_through_time/09.shtml)
^ Torquay, Queen of the Watering Places, Pg 4 (http://www.torbay.gov.uk/libtorquay.pdf)
^ English Riviera Website(http://www.englishriviera.co.uk/site/about-the-area/torquay/history)
^ Blackshirts in Devon, Todd Gray, 2006 ISBN 978-190335646-3
^ Herald Express, 27/10/2007 (http://www.thisissouthdevon.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=134822&command=displayContent&sourceNode=237837&home=yes&more_nodeId1=134831&contentPK=18788947)
^ BBC News, 25/10/2005 (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/devon/4374914.stm)
^ BBC News 31/12/2005http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/devon/4571762.stm)
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Categories: History of Devon | Torbay

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For other uses, see Torbay (disambiguation).
"English Riveria" redirects here. For the geopark, see English Riviera Geopark.
Borough of Torbay

Unitary, Borough
South West England
Ceremonial County:
Area:- Total
Ranked 260th62.88 km²
Admin. HQ:
ONS code:
Population:- Total (2007 est.)- Density
Ranked 144th134,2002134 / km²
98.8% White
Torbay Borough Councilhttp://www.torbay.gov.uk/
Mayor & Cabinet
Elected Mayor:
Nicholas Bye (Con)
Adrian Sanders (LD)
Torbay (pronounced /ˌtɔːˈbeɪ/) is an east-facing bay and natural harbour, at the western most end of Lyme Bay in the south-west of England, situated roughly midway between the cities of Exeter and Plymouth. Historically part of the county of Devon, Torbay was made a unitary authority on April 1, 1998. Tourist authorities call it the English Riviera on account of its beaches and mild climate; it is a popular area with holiday makers.
1 Geography
2 Transport
3 Famous people
4 Twin Towns
5 References
6 External links

[edit] Geography
There are three main towns around the bay: Torquay in the north, Paignton in the centre, and Brixham in the south, which have become connected over the years, swallowing up villages and towns such as St Marychurch, Cockington, Marldon, Churston Ferrers and Galmpton.
The County Borough of Torbay was created in 1968 by the amalgamation of the Municipal Borough of Torquay, Urban District of Paignton and Urban District of Brixham, also taking in parts of the civil parishes of Coffinswell and Kerswells from Newton Abbot Rural District and Churston Ferrers and Marldon from Totnes Rural District. The County Borough became the Borough of Torbay under local government reorganisation in 1974. In October 2005 Torbay became the first area of the South West to have an elected Mayor with Nick Bye being the successful candidate.
The southern limit of Torbay is Berry Head, and the northern limit is Hopes Nose, although Torquay itself stretches further north into Babbacombe Bay, where the beaches at Oddicombe and Babbacombe can be found; these are noted for their interesting Breccia cliffs.
Torbay is bordered by the South Hams to the south and west, and by Teignbridge to the north. Nearby towns include Totnes and Dartmouth in the South Hams Newton Abbot and Teignmouth in Teignbridge.
Because of the mild climate, Torbay palm trees are a common sight along the coast. However, this 'palm' is in fact a cabbage tree (Cordyline australis), originating from New Zealand. These trees flourish elsewhere in the UK. It is suggested that the popularity of cabbage trees in Torbay is attributable to their first being introduced to the UK in that region.
The area has a large number of European students learning English.
The fishing port of Brixham is home to one of England and Wales's most successful fishing fleets and regularly lands more value than any UK port outside of Scotland.
Torbay's many geological features have led to the establishment of the English Riviera Geopark, one of 53 geoparks worldwide; as of July 2008, this is the sole urban geopark.[1]

[edit] Transport
Torbay has three stations on the National Rail network:
Torre railway station is inland on the road from Torquay to Newton Abbot
Torquay railway station is close to Torre Abbey Sands.
Paignton railway station serves that town and links with the heritage railway via the Dart ferry to Kingswear.
These stations are now operated by First Great Western, as are some of the journeys that operates through them since Wessex trains was taken over by the company in 2006.
Torbay lacks direct motorway links and is served by the A380 road from Exeter. This road route into Torbay from Newton Abbot is congested in summer and during commuter hours. There are plans to remedy the situation though no clear alternative have been found as the road passes by areas of outstanding natural beauty. [2] A bypass has been planned since as early as the 1930s and has come close on a few occasions to being built, however the latest plan was halted in autumn 2008 [3] so the long term future is uncertain. It is most likely alternative schemes such as traffic calming and alterations to the existing A380 road will be implemented instead.
The bus franchise is largely operated by Stagecoach Devon of the similarly named group, that operates a large share of the market in Torbay and the neighbouring towns of South Devon.

[edit] Famous people
Famous former residents of Torbay include authors Agatha Christie (who set many of her novels in a thinly disguised version of the borough), Charles Kingsley, Edmund Gosse and Rudyard Kipling,Peter Cook comic (half of the famous pair Dudley and Cook) the great industrialist and architect of the nearby Atmospheric railway, Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Prog-rock band Wishbone Ash, and supermodel Lily Cole also come from the borough. Russell Grant horoscope writer and presenter.The BBC1 actress Rebekah Gibbs who played Nina Farr in Casualty and current Pink TV (France) presenter Mark Binmore also originate from the area.

[edit] Twin Towns
Hameln, Lower Saxony, Germany (1973)
Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands (1989)

[edit] References
^ Global status for Torbay (retried 7 July 2008)
^ "Impact of the First Local Travel Plan on Torbay". torbay.gov.uk. http://www.torbay.gov.uk/ltp1_delivery_report_final_document.pdf. Retrieved on 2006-12-02.
^ Herald Express 26th November 2008

[edit] External links
Torbay Council
The Official Tourist Board
vde Districts of South West England
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Unitary authorities
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vdeCeremonial county of Devon
Devon Portal
Unitary authorities
Plymouth • Torbay
Boroughs or districts
ExeterEast DevonMid DevonNorth DevonTorridgeWest DevonSouth HamsTeignbridge
Cities and towns
AshburtonAxminsterBarnstapleBeerBidefordBovey TraceyBradninchBrixhamBuckfastleighBudleigh SaltertonChagfordChudleighChulmleighColyfordColytonCreditonCullomptonDartmouthDawlishExeterExmouthGreat TorringtonHartlandHatherleighHolsworthyHonitonIlfracombeIvybridgeKingsbridgeMoretonhampsteadNewton AbbotNorth TawtonNorthamOkehamptonOttery St MaryPaigntonPlymouthPrincetownSalcombeSeatonSidmouthSouth MoltonTavistockTeignmouthTivertonTorquayTotnesSee also: List of civil parishes in Devon
AshburnAvonAxeBarleBoveyBurnClystCreedyCulmDartEast DartWest DartErmeExeHeddonLemonLewLumburnLydMeavyMoleOkementEast OkementWest OkementOtterPlymSidSwincombeTamarTavyTawTeignThrushelTorridgeWalkhamWallabrookeEast WebburnWest WebburnWolfYealm
EconomyFlagHistoryNotable peopleDartmoorExmoorJurassic CoastTowns by populationSouth West Coast Path
Coordinates: 50°27′08″N 3°33′25″W/50.45226°N 3.55682°W/50.45226; -3.55682
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Categories: Local government in Devon | Unitary authorities in England | Torbay